
Insulation material ke eng?

Insulation material ke eng?

1.Lisebelisoa tsa insulation ke thepa e sa tsamaiseng motlakase tlas'a motlakase o lumelletsoeng, empa ha se thepa e sa tsamaiseng motlakase ho hang..Ile sebaka se itseng sa motlakase se kantle,conductivity, polarization, tahlehelo, ho senyeha le mekhoa e meng le eona e tla etsahala,le tšebeliso ea nako e telele e tla boela e hlahe botsofali.

2.Lisebelisoa tsa ho itšireletsa li na le matla a phahameng a ho hanyetsa, hangata a le pakeng tsa 1010 ~ 1022Ω.Joaloka mochining oa motlakase, ho potoloha conductor,tthepa ea ho kenya letsoho e arola ho chenchana le ho theoa ha motheo oa stator, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e bolokehileng ea enjene.

Li-index tsa mantlha tsa ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa insulation ke life?

1.Matla a ho senya

Thepa ea ho kenya letsoho e tla senyeha 'me e lahleheloe ke ts'ebetso ea ts'ebetso tlas'a ts'ebetso ea matla a tšimo ea motlakase e phahameng ho feta boleng bo itseng.Boleng ba matla a matla a tšimo ea motlakase eo thepa ea ho pata e' nile ea senyeha e bitsoa matla a ho senya.

2.Ho hanyetsa mocheso

Sehlopha sa ho hanyetsa mocheso se fapane bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa Insulation tse nang le lihlopha tse fapaneng.Sehlopha sa ho hanyetsa mocheso se ka aroloa ka lihlopha tse 7, ke Y,A,E,B,F,H,C grade.

3.Insulation resistance

Boleng ba ho hanyetsa bo hlahisoang ke thepa e sireletsang ke "insulation resistance".Ka tlwaelo, ho hanyetsa ha insulation ho feta mashome a MΩ.

4.Matla a mochine

Ho ea ka litlhoko tse ikhethileng tsa lisebelisoa tse fapaneng tsa insulating, li-insuite tse tsamaellanang tsa matla tse kang tensile le ho kobeha, ho hanyetsa ho kuta, ho hanyetsa meokho le ho hanyetsa ka matla ka kakaretso ho bitsoa matla a mochini.

Letlapa la epoxy fiberglass insulation ke eng?

Letlapa la epoxy fiberglass insulation ke letlapa le entsoeng ka mocheso o phahameng le khatello ka fiberglass e kentsoeng epoxy resin.

Jiujiang Xinxing Insulation Material e ne e khethehile ho etsa mefuta e fapaneng ea letlapa la epoxy fiberglass insulation ho tloha 2003, palo ea selemo le selemo ea tlhahiso e feta lithane tse 3,000, e leng moetsi ea kaholimo ho 10 oa letlapa la epoxy fiberglass naheng ea China. Lihlahisoa tse kholo li kenyelletsa 3240 yellow epoxy. fiberglass sheet, FR4, G10, FR5, G11 joalo-joalo, lintlha tse ka tlase.

For products information,quotation,orders and sample requirements please e-mail us at Our experienced salesmen will be delighted to respond to your inquiries.

Lintlha tsa puisano:


No.2 Lianxi Road, Setereke sa Lianxi,Motse oa Jiujiang, Profinseng ea Jiangxi,Chaena 332000/


Mobile: 0086-15170255117





KereitiB lakane ea ho hanyetsa mocheso 3240 Epoxy phenol aldehyde khalase lesela laminated lakane
G10 Rigid epoxy glass lesela laminated lakane
KereitiB ho hanyetsa mocheso le lakane e thibelang mollo FR-4 Rigid epoxy glass lesela laminated lakane
KereitiF letlapa la ho hanyetsa mocheso 3242 Lesela la khalase la epoxy la laminated
3248 Lesela la khalase la epoxy la laminated
G11 Epoxy khalase lesela laminated lakane
KereitiF ho hanyetsa mocheso le lakane e thibelang mollo FR-5 Epoxy khalase lesela laminated lakane
347F Benzoxazine khalase lesela laminated lakane
Kereiti HLetlapa la ho hanyetsa mocheso 3250 Lesela la khalase la epoxy la laminated
3255 Modified diphenyl ether khalase lesela laminated lakane
Kereiti Hho hanyetsa mocheso le lakane ea ho hanyetsa mocheso oa Arc 3051 Epoxy Nomex pampiri e entsoeng ka laminated
Arc khanyetso le molloretardantletlapa la insulation 3233 / G5 Melamine khalase lesela lamiated lakane
Letlapa la semiconductor 3241 Semiconductor epoxy glass lesela laminate laminated
Letlapa la anti-static insulation Single side Anti-static epoxy glass cloth laminated sheet
Double side Anti-static epoxy glass lesela laminated lakane
Whole Anti-static epoxy glass lesela laminated lakane
Likarolo tsa ho kenya mochini oa mochini CNC e qeta likarolo tsa insulation

Nako ea poso: Apr-08-2021